A general survey of concepts and major topics in apologetics, ethics, and worldview.

Instructor: Terryon Desso
Phone: (817)884-7959
Email: tddesso@breadoflifefw.org
Every week on Tue, Jan 10, 2023, until May 9, 2023 – Time: 08:00 PM Central Time
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Meeting ID: 848 9552 2815 – Passcode: 804508
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Course Objectives
At the end of the semester, students should:
- Be able to explain the biblical basis for the study of each discipline.
- Gain basic knowledge about the major concepts commonly discussed in the disciplines of apologetics, ethics, and worldview.
- Gain a basic knowledge of topics commonly discussed in the disciplines.
- Be able to identify elements that make each discipline unique.
- Be able to produce written works that demonstrate a basic understanding of those concepts and topics.